Monthly Archives: June 2011



HA! That’s funny.

I set up a blog for the studio which we can use to update each other on our projects, setup meetings, keep information secure, etc, etc. It’s set to super-private and associated with a different username. This kind of a tool is incredibly useful. With it, a group of people can set up checkpoints throughout their schedules where they review others’ work. If you’re working with a group, this kind of thing is indispensable.


James Cameron to PRODUCE ‘MYTH’ – EDIT

So, it’s out. James Cameron and the production team that brought Avatar to the big screen are in talks to bring out a new movie, ‘MYTH’. It was pitched to Fox as a premise and is yet to be written

Holy shit! That’s great, man! You’ve been working on Myth for 16 years! I can’t believe they’re making it into a movie before you write the books!

No. No, it’s not MY myth. It’s another myth. No one has any idea about the story yet, I’ve just been following the breadcrumbs laid by the companies.

So, it’s not your story? Aren’t you worried?

About what?

First and foremost, what do they say it’s about? Is there any news on that?

Yeah, sort of. They’re calling it a science fiction epic with lots of action.

… And you’re not worried?

Why should I be worried?!

Because it’s a science fiction action epic named MYTH… for god’s sakes, man, wake up and smell the coffee. They ripped you off!

Bull. There’s no evidence that anyone involved has heard anything about my story. I keep my premises hidden. Even what’s up on this site has little or nothing to do with the bulk of the story. My Myth has depth and layers. No one’s seen anything quite like it. My Myth isn’t just sci-fi. It’s drama and fantasy and gothic and a deep psychological look at what truly makes someone evil and if evil can ever really exist.

So, they ripped off what you put up. I didn’t say they’re going to do a good job with it.

It’s ridiculous to think that someone took MY idea. Who am I right now? Why would they be trolling through other people’s stories? It’s not my story.

Ok, ok. It might not be your story. But what then? It’s going to be a major blockbuster. If it keeps the same name, it will taint your story forever.

… Why the fuck do I keep talking to you?

James Cameron

Character Interview – Claire Bo’Fauhn

This is Aaron’s secondary mind, reporting from the creative recesses of his psyche. We’re here with one of the main characters of Myth; of Men and Monsters. She doesn’t quite understand that she’s a character and she hasn’t gone through any of the events in the story yet, we’ve caught her the day before her first introduction.

Ms. Bo’Fauhn, it’s lovely having you here, are you comfortable?

Yes, very much so, thank you.

Wonderful. Let’s get started as I know you have things you need to accomplish. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Give us some history on you.

My name is Claire Bo’Fauhn. I’m sixteen years old, nearing the end of my Spiriling courses at the Byohar Tower Schools. I’m the daughter of a Ghirault, a nobleman from Fridinlay. Read the rest of this entry

The Greatest Warriors

I need a group of the greatest warriors in history… We can’t use all of them and I can’t tell you why I need them yet…. but… I’m still imposing this question on you.

What are your favorite historical heroes/villains/warriors/military leaders?

Here’s my list, so far.

  • Vlad Tepes
  • Isom Dart
  • Sun Tzu
  • Alexander the Great
  • Spartacu
  • Salah Ad Din
  • Miyamoto Musashi
  • Leonidas
  • Hannibal
  • Richard the Lionheart
  • Atilla the Hun
  • Genghis Khan
  • Boudica
  • Audie Murphy
Have any others? If so, COMMENT BELOW and tell me about them!
If not and you haven’t even heard of these guys, do some research. They’re pretty damn cool.
-Aaron Shively

The Fun Part

Here’s my personal philosophy…

Measure twice, cut once.

This does work for writing. Not everyone breezes through their first draft with little regard for pacing, sentence structure, paragraph breaks, readability, grammar, punctuation, etc. It’s the same for consistency in story-telling. For sci-fi and fantasy works, the mantra has to be refined.

Create a system of measurement, measure twice, create a cutting tool, then cut once.

The concept is done, the worlds are fleshed out, the peoples and places have been described. Maps have been drawn for continuity’s sake. My system of measurement has been set in stone and the eyeballing gave way to absolute relativism long ago.

I am at the point of creating a cutting tool and this is the fun part.

Developing characters’ method of action is giddily enough like playing god. Their voice, their personalities are the best part of everything.

I’ve gotten it in my head to do a character interview for Myth:OMAM which I will post here as soon as it is finished.

– Aaron

Last Reminder for STORYFEST 2011


Time is running out to read some of the best stories from Story A Day. Check out a few great writers who took the challenge. IT ENDS THE 14th! SO GET TO IT!


I’m a writer.

I enjoy writing, the flow of creativity from the mind through the fingers into whatever medium I choose. One of my greatest pleasures is to see my characters rise from nothing.

There is one part of the process which I do not like. I wouldn’t go so far to say that I hate it. It simply bores me. It’s editing and is the level I have reached with my short story collection.

… I’m falling asleep.

Tell me, if you write and edit, how the hell do you get through it?

A Monster of a Book Cover

© Aaron Shively 2011

Yep, I’ve got a book cover for my short story collection.

You may be wondering to yourself… Why does it say ‘we’ and why in the hell is it only ‘compiled’ by me?

Wonder away. The introduction to the book will answer all the questions. Too bad you’re going to have to wait until editing is finished. HA HA… HA HA HA… ah, crap, I think the devil has rubbed off on me.

That’s illegal and unsanitary. You may want to get a napkin.

I meant you.

Preposterous. I’d never masturbate on another person unless they requested it.

… There’s nothing I can say after that, really, there isn’t.

Positive Attitude? You’ve got to be kidding me.

I’ve been sick for the last two weeks. I’ve been sick and I’ve had problems with my left eye. I’ve been sick, had problems with my left eye and my laptop power adapter nearly caused a house-fire which rendered my laptop useless during the last stretch of Story A Day.

But I’m still smiling. Oh, by god, I’m still smiling. Read the rest of this entry



Come check out the short stories written during the StoryADay challenge of 2011! Each author had 31 days to write 31 short stories. See the participants and peruse their top picks!

This is only for a limited time, June 11th – 14th!